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On the evening of August 27th, the online influencer "CandyFliesHigh" unleashed a series of explosive allegations against Xueli, the well-known ex-girlfriend of Wang Sicong, which quickly ignited a firestorm on social media.


The accusations leveled against Xueli were not only about her alleged involvement as a third party in someone else's marriage but also included serious charges of drug use, and even implicating her husband in the use of illegal substances such as K-powder. The blogger provided specific room numbers and chat records as evidence to back up these claims.

The revelations sent shockwaves through the digital sphere, thrusting Xueli into the eye of a media storm.

In the initial post, "CandyFliesHigh" directly accused Xueli of drug use and tagged her personal account. This was followed by two more posts detailing the time and location of the alleged incidents, even specifying the hotel room number.

The blogger revealed that Xueli had used drugs at room 2818 of the Conrad Hotel on August 26th, adding that the decision to expose her was driven by personal grievances.

It was noted that "CandyFliesHigh" had attempted to communicate with Xueli via private message but was subsequently blocked, with screenshots provided as proof. In response, Xueli contacted the blogger's husband, expressing concern about the severity of the situation. The blogger then issued a public challenge for Xueli to reach out personally "to have a face-to-face talk."

One hour later, another post appeared, labeling Xueli as a "secretive party girl," referencing her recent tax evasion scandal. This time, the blogger not only tagged Xueli but also the official Zhejiang Anti-Narcotics account, suggesting they had concrete evidence of Xueli's drug use.


To corroborate the claims, the blogger recounted the events leading up to the incident, stating that Xueli and her female assistant had used drugs. After reporting the matter to the police, "Xueli and her assistant took turns leaving the room."

The source of the drugs and the location of their use were also detailed, with the blogger's husband reportedly witnessing Xueli taking a bag of K-powder from her own room. Despite this, Xueli's husband denied her involvement in drug use.

Additional allegations included Xueli acting as a mistress in Wenzhou and being a repeat offender.

The blogger then described how she learned of Xueli's hotel room number, explaining that upon discovering her husband's location at the Conrad, she called the hotel and managed to find out the room number. To avoid detection, she switched elevators from the 27th floor to the 28th, following a guest to the floor and using the service elevator (which does not require a keycard) to reach the room. She reported the incident before reaching the room and included a screenshot of the police report.

There were further claims suggesting that Xueli may have already divorced or never officially married.

The blogger has since pinned a photo of her police report, stating that all evidence has been backed up and preserved.

On August 28th, Xueli responded to the online allegations with a formal statement, asserting that she had reported the slanderous claims to the authorities.



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