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On the 20th of August, Zhang Yingying took to her social media once again to address Zhang Lan, urging her to lay to rest the memory of her late mother. In her post, Zhang Yingying stated, "During the Hungry Ghost Festival, it's best to avoid saying inauspicious things. Your son often swears by you, and such behavior seems to be passed down through generations. I wish you good health!"


Previously, Zhang Lan had shared a video from Ge Sqi, who claimed that Zhang Yingying had connections with DaS, and alleged that during DaS and Wang Xiaofei's divorce, DaS presented incriminating photos (suspected to be evidence of infidelity) against Wang Xiaofei, which were purportedly supplied by Zhang Yingying, making her an informant for DaS.


Zhang Lan further commented that she did not know Zhang Yingying at all, and that the photo taken together on Mount Tai was taken under false pretenses.

In response to these claims, Zhang Yingying posted a denial on social media, asserting that she was not an informant. She also shared a barrage of negative reviews about Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei's products, and retorted, "After three years, you're still provoking me? If you focused your energy on improving your products, they might actually become more successful."

Zhang Yingying also mentioned having five phones locked in her safe, and warned Zhang Lan, "Don't let tranquility turn into a storm of chaos."



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