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On the 15th of August, the esteemed composer Jiang Chunyang passed away in Beijing at the age of 96. His daughter, Jiang Feng, shared her father's sentiments: “My father always felt he had no regrets in life, blessed with a devoted wife and filial children, living a life filled with happiness. He expressed his gratitude to friends, family, comrades, and colleagues for their unwavering support; and requested that his funeral arrangements be kept simple. His only wish was that his music would continue to bring joy to people’s lives.”


Jiang Chunyang, a revered composer who served with the original Political Department of the Air Force and its affiliated art troupe, left an indelible mark on Chinese music. His work on the opera “Sister Jiang” stands as a pinnacle achievement in the realm of Chinese national opera. Songs such as “I Fly Over My Homeland’s Skies,” “Where Is Happiness,” and “Men of the Military” have become household tunes, loved and sung by generations.



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