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On the 21st of August, as per reports from Taiwanese media, the significant monthly losses incurred by Wang Xiaofei's Taipei hotel, estimated in the tens of millions, might have precipitated its closure. Following Wang's decision to divest himself of the hotel and terminate his contract, the property has been returned to its original owner. The future of this establishment now hinges on urban renewal plans, while the landlord is actively seeking new investors to take over operations. Meanwhile, Wang Xiaofei's business interests in Taiwan are set to pivot towards the food industry, with rumors suggesting that he intends to introduce his own brand of spicy and sour noodles to the local market, currently scouting locations for a new outlet in Taipei. In response to these developments, Wang's former partner, Big S, has chosen to remain silent.


Earlier, it was reported by Taiwanese media that Wang Xiaofei's Taipei hotel had ceased operations, with no further room bookings available after the 22nd of August. When contacted, the hotel confirmed that its final day of business was indeed the 21st of this month.

It is noteworthy that the Taipei hotel, previously known as S Hotel, has undergone a rebranding and is now referred to as M Hotel. The letter 'M' stands not only for the name Ma Xiaomei but also symbolizes the change in female proprietorship of the establishment.



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