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On August 20th, Zhang Yingying took to social media to share a screenshot of Wang Xiaofei's comment beneath a video posted by Ge Siqu, in which he had exposed allegations that Zhang Yingying served as an informant for DaS. In her post, she lashed out with, “Do you really want me to turn on my phone? You’re nothing but a coward for leaving such comments.”


Previously, Ge Siqu had alleged that Zhang Yingying was working as an informant for DaS and provided photos of Wang Xiaofei’s infidelity. According to Ge Siqu, Zhang Yingying maintained contact with DaS, and the compromising photos presented during the drafting of their divorce agreement were supplied by Zhang Yingying herself. DaS had meticulously set up a scheme to control Wang Xiaofei.


Zhang Yingying responded via a short video platform, emphatically denying being an informant, stating, “There’s no way I could be a mole. This family is cursed; whoever gets involved with them ends up in trouble, they fight amongst themselves constantly.” In the comments section, she mentioned having five phones locked away in a safe, warning, “Don’t let tranquility turn into a storm of bloodshed.”

Following this, Zhang Lan shared a clip from one of Ge Siqu’s live streams where he made these accusations about Zhang Yingying. In response, Zhang Yingying posted images highlighting moldy and unsafe food products from Ma Liuji, a brand associated with the family.

Zhang Lan then commented under her own post of Ge Siqu’s live stream, clarifying, “I don’t actually know Zhang Yingying. She is just one of the many small fans I have at Mount Tai, who asked for a photo with me. I went to Mount Tai because my son wanted me to pray there, as a master had recommended it.”



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