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On the 18th of August, Zhang Dada posted an apology on his personal social media account following a controversy sparked by a recent live streaming session where he interacted with viewers via call-ins. He earnestly requested that a tiny fraction of these callers refrain from using the guise of “fans” to cause mischief or smear any artists, and humbly expressed his gratitude in advance. Zhang Dada also pledged to be more stringent and cautious in handling future call-ins and welcomed public scrutiny.


It has come to light that a netizen claiming to be a fan of Fan Chengcheng had called into Zhang Dada’s live stream and proceeded to scream hysterically, demanding that Zhang Dada address rumors about Fan Chengcheng’s supposed romantic relationship. Subsequently, this individual apologized online, clarifying that they were not actually a fan of Fan Chengcheng but had simply joined the live stream for fun without any malicious intent.



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